
This website, including all parts thereof, with the exception of certain (hyper)links, is the property of EcoGiving BV. It is strictly prohibited to publish, copy or store the site or any portions thereof without the express written permission of EcoGiving.

The information presented on this website is compiled by EcoGiving with constant care and attention. Despite these efforts, the information published on the site may be incomplete and/or incorrect.

EcoGiving reserves the right to supplement and/or modify the information on the site at any time and without prior notice. All information, products and services are offered in the state in which they actually are, without any (implicit) warranty or guarantee with regard to their availability, reliability, suitability for a particular purpose, or otherwise.


Although EcoGiving takes all reasonable measures to prevent abuse, EcoGiving accepts no liability for information and/or messages sent via the internet by users of the website. Certain (hyper)links on this site lead to websites outside the domain of EcoGiving, which are not the property of EcoGiving and are included only for the information of the visitor. By activating these links you leave the EcoGiving website. Although EcoGiving is extremely selective when referring to external sites, it cannot guarantee the content and functioning thereof, nor the quality of any products or services offered there. Any liability for the content of websites not maintained by EcoGiving is rejected.

EcoGiving excludes all liability for any direct or indirect damage of any kind arising from or in any way related to the use of the website.